HELP!!! Thunderbird Problems

    Date: 11/06/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: no keywords

    Okay, so I just installed Thunderbird and configured my gmail account so that I could have email sent from Gmail to my Thunderbird client. Well, I didn't know that Thunderbird would take all of my messages out of my inbox and dump them into Thunderbird. Without making copies of the old ones.

    Basically, I am looking for a way to take the mail in my inbox out of Thunderbird and place them back into my gmail inbox.

    Help!!! I have a LOT of messages that I would keep in gmail and also in thunderbird... I didn't know that Thunderbird would just take all of the old messages out and not leave copies of them in my gmail account. The propsect of losing all of these emails to Thunderbid and not being able to use Gmail as a back up client makes me very sad. Is there a way to do this? Please help me!!!


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