Viewing sites in IE after failing in Firefox

    Date: 11/08/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: browser, web, microsoft

    (x-posted from '[info]'firefoxusers - someone there suggested the IETab extension, but any other ideas?)

    I've been noticing a problem recently with viewing sites in IE after I view them in Firefox. I use Firefox as my usual web browser, but if a site fails to work properly in Firefox I open up IE to look at it. Unfortunately, a lot of the time, when I try to view the site in IE I just get a blank white browser window. Is this some kind of attempt by Microsoft to f**k with people who use Firefox (which I wouldn't put past them) or a bug in my system? And how can I stop it from happening?

    OS: Windows XP SP2
    Firefox: 1.0.7
    IE: Don't know the formal version number, but the latest version.

    PS: If you can't help, please don't fill up my inbox with exhortations to boycott sites that aren't accessible to Firefox. I know the arguments, but these are sites I need to use.


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