Opening new tabs. Grrr!

    Date: 11/12/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: no keywords

    Just a quick question about something little more than an annoyance, really..

    My room mate and I both have the newest installation of Firefox on our machines. When she middle-clicks on a link to open it in a new tab, her new tab opens in the background, behind the tab she is already viewing.

    When mine opens, it will open in the foreground. I've taken a 'mini poll' to see how many of my friends' tabs open on their computers, and they all said they open in the foreground, like mine.

    So what has my room mate done to enable hers to open BEHIND the tab she's viewing, so it doesn't disrupt what she's reading, etc.? I'd like to be able to have my tabs load in the background until I'm done reading whatever it was I was looking at.

    Thanks if you can help.


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