Displaying Japanese Characters in Firefox

    Date: 01/02/06 (Mozilla)    Keywords: no keywords

    I've been looking for an extension to allow me to display japanese characters.
    I've downloaded Ruby Support and Moji, but they don't seem to be making any difference because japanese characters still show up as a string of question marks.

    I tried to install the Unicode language packs through the Windows XP control panel, like so, but they're asking for the Windows CD which I, unfortunately, can't seem to find. After an exhausting search of the MS page, I've been unable to find the files available for download anywhere, and they want me to pay $35 just to submit an email request because, apparently, Windows XP Home has no free support service. Imagine that =P
    I've also been told that borrowing a Windows CD to install the files won't work because it will recogize that the CD doesn't correspond to this copy and spit it out.

    Apologies for half of this being Windows-related, but I'm worried that no extension will function unless I can install the language packs through Windows first.

    Any ideas?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/mozilla/345385.html

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