Firefox & RSS-Feeds

    Date: 01/04/06 (Mozilla)    Keywords: rss, xml

    I'm having troubles in adding RSS-Feeds into my bookmarks. Firefox won't show the RSS-Symbol on the sites, although they have RSS-Feeds. When I try to add the links manually they won't work. They are just... empty.

    Here is a screenshot to show what I mean: Screenshot

    The feed itself is a XML-File and I'm confused why it doesn't work, because the RSS from DeviantArt is XML too and that works fine. I have checked the settings of the other feeds and I can't see any difference between them (except the name and the URL).

    I got the links from here: (the entry from 4. January, 04:06 am, "RSS feeds of C= Homestead, & Slay Radio")

    What is wrong there?


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