Moving from Netscape 7.2 to Sea Monkey

    Date: 02/02/06 (Mozilla)    Keywords: browser

    I'm sorry if this is obvious but I'm not experienced at this sort of thing. I use Netscape 7.2 on a Mac running Mac Ox X 10.4.4. I am interested in moving to Sea Monkey as I prefer the suite browser and email client package. However, reading through the Sea Monkey info, I came across this:

    > Do not share a profile with Netscape 6 or 7. Sharing profiles
    > between different versions of Mozilla can lead to profile
    > corruption
    > Note even if you uninstall a previous copy of Mozilla or Netscape,
    > the old profile will still be there until you remove its folder.
    > Be sure to create a fresh profile when you install a new version
    > of Mozilla.

    Does this mean that if I do that, all my email client folders, contents and filters will not appear in the Sea Monkey email client? if so, is there anyway to correct that?


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