Firefox / SeaMonkey and phpMyAdmin

    Date: 02/06/06 (Mozilla)    Keywords: php, browser, web


    Some weeks ago, after I have installed Firefox 1.5 I experienced problems with phpMyAdmin of my webhoster. After login all I get is a blank screen but with the logo of my webhoster (see the screenshot HERE). I asked the support, but they did tell me they are using the Firefox 1.5 as well, but don't receive this problem at all and it must have something to do with my settings.

    Okay, maybe... but today I tried the same with SeaMonkey 1.0 and I got the same result like with Firefox 1.5... and it IS a FRESH install! Although it works with IE and Opera I prefer using Firefox and I would like to use it also for phpMyAdmin.

    What could be cause of this? Is it really my browser-settings or is it my webhoster's fault, although they say they use the same browser?

    EDIT: I should mention that my local installation of phpMyAdmin (included in Xampp) works perfectly fine on all browsers.


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