problems with firefox bookmarks - browser inteferes with absolute URLs

    Date: 02/28/06 (Mozilla)    Keywords: php, browser, html

    I am trying to set up absolute bookmarks so that I can switch back and forth from different servers in the Travian game without needing a new set of bookmarks for each server. But every time I try to set a bookmark for /spieler.php?s=4 or /dorf2.php, Firefox inserts http:// to the beginning of the URL. This happens after I set the bookmark, so when I go back and delete the protocol text from the bookmark, as soon as I hit 'OK' it is again saved with http:// prefixing it. I tried to manually change it in the bookmarks.html file, but when I reset the browser to let the change show, the bookmarks.html file went back to its original state. When that failed to work, I went back and changed the bookmarks.bak file as well as bookmarks.html. But, again, when I reset Firefox each file was reset to its previous state.

    Is there a way to turn this off or get around it? I would appreciate any words of advice, and I thank you for at least taking the time to read this far. (And before I forget, I'm running Firefox on a Windows 98SE platform.)


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