XBL Binding?

    Date: 03/05/06 (Mozilla)    Keywords: browser

    Hi gang,
    Was wondering if ya'll could help here.

    When trying to open Mozilla Firefox on an old P.O.S. Winblows XP Pro 700 Mhz machine, I get this lil box that says something to the effect of (Paraphrase) "The browser could not open due to no XBL Binding" And an OK button. If I click FF enough times (3 or 4 usually) the browser finally opens.

    This development is recent, in the past week or so.

    In Mozilla, I have the Calendar loaded (but my machine is way too slow, so it's freaky, so I never use it), as well as AdBlock and NoScript. I mention, just in case they are the culprits.

    Thoughts? Advice?


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mozilla/353727.html

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