Can anyone figure out why the following wont work

    Date: 08/09/05 (MySQL Communtiy)    Keywords: browser, database

    it keeps throwing errors


    postings & comments database structure
    written by : that intern


    CREATE DATABASE if not exists commentsDB;
    USE commentsDB;

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `userDB`; /* works fine! */
    CREATE TABLE `userDB` (
    `username` varchar(8) NOT NULL,
    `userpass` VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL,
    `first_name` VARCHAR(10) NULL,
    `last_name` VARCHAR(15) NULL,
    `address_1` VARCHAR(25) NULL,
    `address_2` VARCHAR(15) NULL,
    `city` VARCHAR(18) NULL,
    `state` VARCHAR(2) NULL,
    `zip_code` TEXT NOT NULL,
    `email` VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
    `gender` VARCHAR(1) NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`userID`)
    ) TYPE=InnoDB;

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `userInfo`;
    CREATE TABLE userInfo (
    `browser` VARCHAR(255) NULL,
    `userIP` TEXT NULL,
    `userOS` varchar(255) default NULL,
    `pages_visited` varchar(255) default NOT NULL,
    `last_login` varchar(255) default NOT NULL, /* works until here */
    PRIMARY KEY (`userID`),
    FOREIGN KEY (`userID`) FROM userDB(`userID`)
    ) TYPE=InnoDB;

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `post`; /* works fine! */
    CREATE TABLE `post` (
    `post_num` INT(15) NOT NULL,
    `post_text` TEXT NOT NULL,
    `post_cat` VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
    `post_time` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
    `post_date` DATE NOT NULL,
    `post_user` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`post_num`)
    ) TYPE=InnoDB;

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `comments`;
    CREATE TABLE `comments` (
    `comment_text` TEXT NULL,
    `comment_time` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
    `comment_date` DATE NOT NULL,
    `userIP` TEXT NOT NULL /* works until here */
    post_num INT,
    userID INT,
    FOREIGN KEY (post_num) REFERENCES post(post_num),
    ) TYPE=InnoDB;


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