Need help with SELECT syntax.
Date: 08/23/05
(MySQL Communtiy) Keywords: mysql, database, sql
Okay, I have a dilemma.
I'm not sure how to assemble a SELECT query for what I want to do.
I have a database of ratings for books and movies. Each rating/review is placed into a new row, with a reference number for the item they're related to (actual books and movies are in their own table). and I wish to run a SELECT that will find rating entries for books that have a minimum of 5 entries (ie; 5 rows).
I'm somewhat of a newcomer to mysql, but I'm not a complete moron. I've been able to set up long and complex query strings, but for some reason, this is befuddling me.
Any ideas?
** EDIT **
Problem solved, thanks to
timeimp &
The resulting query ended up being:
$query = "SELECT book_reviews.bookid AS idofbook, avg(book_reviews.rating) "
$query .= "AS nrating, books.bookname AS nameofbook FROM book_reviews,books "
$query .= "WHERE = book_reviews.bookid GROUP BY book_reviews.bookid "
$query .= "HAVING count(book_reviews.rating) >= 5 ORDER BY nrating DESC LIMIT 10";