1. table import:revisited

    Date: 01/27/08     Keywords: mysql, sql

    sort of a sequel to my previous post.

    I'm importing a .csv file into mysql table. All entries in the original flie are in the following format: "price", separated by commas. After they are imported, the number of quotation marks doubles, i.e. in my table every entry looks like ""price"", which sucks! I need to export this into Matlab or other interfaces, or simple Excel spreadsheet, and what I get is "price" rather than price!

    Could anyone help here?



    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/124524.html

  2. table import

    Date: 01/26/08     Keywords: mysql, database, sql

    hi mates,

    there's a problem I have, so would be great if someone could help me.

    I'm trying to import a .csv table into MySQL database. Following the instructions, I started a  new schema and a new table, which has exactly the number of columns as the table I'm importing. Then I run the following syntax:

    LOAD DATA INFILE "F://Documents and Settings//Jah Alarm//Desktop//Bart//HAYForecast2005-3.csv"
    INTO TABLE hay_2005

    I get the following message: Duplicate entry '"HAY2201 "' for key 1

    And as a matter of fact only the first entry from the table is imported.  Besides, all the  entries look like "x" rather than just x

    What am I doing wrong here?



    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/124330.html

  3. Index Length

    Date: 01/25/08     Keywords: mysql, sql

    Hi all,

    is ist OK for MySQL that index lenght are larger than a data in a table?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/124051.html


    Date: 01/16/08     Keywords: no keywords

    xvar xnum
    abc 1a
    abc 2b
    abc 3c
    wer 2a
    sdf 3b
    sdf 2c

    SELECT xvar, xnum FROM table GROUP BY xvar

    abc 1a
    wer 2a
    sdf 3b

    SELECT xvar, xnum FROM table GROUP BY xvar ORDER BY xnum DESC

    abc 1a
    wer 2a
    sdf 3b

    How do I sort the grouped columns? I need this:

    abc 3c
    wer 2a
    sdf 3b

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/123155.html

  5. Subselect help

    Date: 01/15/08     Keywords: mysql, sql

    A table exists where the same id can be issued more than once. Each id has an accompanying color.

    SQL to build table:

     CREATE TABLE `xorder` (
    `id` INT( 3 ) NOT NULL ,
    `color` VARCHAR( 20 ) NULL ,

     INSERT INTO `xorder` (
    `id` ,
    VALUES (
    '1', 'green'
    ), (
    '2', 'red'
    ), (
    '3', 'black'
    ), (
    '1', 'yellow'
    ), (
    '2', 'blue'
    ), (
    '1', 'orange'
    ), (
    '2', 'white'
    ), (
    '2', 'purple'
    ), (
    '4', 'blue'
    ), (
    '5', 'gray'

    I need to select all ids where there is no duplicate id having the color 'blue'.

    id	color
    1	green
    1	yellow
    1	orange
    2	red
    2	blue
    2	white
    2	purple
    3	black
    4	blue
    5	gray

    So the id's I need returned from this data are 1, 3 and 5, ...since no associated orders have the color blue.

    I could loop through the orders and use looped mysql queries but I really don't want to go there.

    Any suggestions on how this could be done in a single query?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/122903.html

  6. I'm such a lummox

    Date: 01/10/08     Keywords: mysql, database, sql

    What kind of Collation setting should I use for my Comments section in my MySQL database?

    It defaulted to:  latin1_swedish_ci

    is this right?

    Signed:  Frustrated


    It IS right...and indeed I am a lummox!


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/122656.html

  7. MySQL training

    Date: 12/12/07     Keywords: mysql, sql, linux

    [cross posted to linux]
      I keep getting the MySQL AB emails about training coming to my town, but never go.  I'd like to formalize my knowledge with the MySQL but at the sametime I've got a pretty bad impression of almost all certification and training courses, and the one provided by AB seems like a top gun program ( 5 days to learn how to be a Admin) which makes me wonder if it will be effective.   Anyone here actually ever taken one of their courses?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/122231.html

  8. Problem with GROUP BY

    Date: 12/04/07     Keywords: no keywords

    I'm writing a script to display Widgets and Values.  There are two tables in play here.  The first is my WidgetLookup table.  It contains widget_id and widget_description.   The second, WidgetSales, contains customer orders, with a widget_id column among other things. 

    The report needs to display *all* Widgets from the WidgetLookup table, with a corresponding count of total Widgets sold and unique customers per widget. 

    So something like this works perfect as long as every Widget is represented in the WidgetSales table in the supplied date range.

                    COUNT(WidgetSales.customer_id) AS total_customers,
                    COUNT(WidgetSales.widget_id) AS total_widgets,
                    LEFT JOIN WidgetLookup ON WidgetLookup.widget_id = WidgetSales.widget_id
                    WidgetSales.sale_date = '2007-12-24'
                GROUP BY

    The problem is, not every Widget is sold in the given date range.  So this query will only display rows for items sold.  I need to display -all- Widgets, with "0" displayed on rows that didn't have sales.  Sounds easy but I can't figure out how to structure my query.

    Any help or pointers are greatly appreciated.   I've stripped down my actual example, so if I need to post more detail please let me know. 

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/122012.html

  9. COUNTing total GROUPed rows

    Date: 11/29/07     Keywords: no keywords

        COUNT( * )
        LEFT JOIN orders ON customers.id = orders.id
        YEAR( orders.order_date ) =2007 AND
         orders.total <= 1500

    I need to find the total number of customers who ordered at least 1500 in the year 2007.   This query returns the number of grouped orders.id instead (an array of counts instead of one global count for all the rows). 

    I know this is something simple I'm overlooking, but I've looked at this for a few minutes now and can't see what I'm doing wrong.  Help please?

    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (query above) AS grand_total;

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/121631.html

  10. Faulty query

    Date: 11/06/07     Keywords: no keywords

    My host is telling me this query is the one that's blocking the server and that is wrong, but for the life of me I don't know why:

    UPDATE ncis_stories SET hits = hits+1, story_date = story_date WHERE id = 00960

    Do you have any idea? Many thanks in advance.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/121198.html

  11. SELECT multiple occurances of a phrase

    Date: 11/05/07     Keywords: no keywords

    How could I SELECT rows where a phrase "yellow flowers" occurs 2 or more times in a TEXT field?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/120861.html

  12. table design question

    Date: 10/17/07     Keywords: no keywords

    A company is currently storing one colorID for each product. The colorID is included in the main product_list table. Reporting on different colors is pretty straightforward:

    SELECT * FROM product_list WHERE colorID=1 OR colorID=2;

    A list of matches appears, one row per productID. Simple and easy.

    Now the company wants to add multiple colorIDs per productID.

    The best way to do this (I think?) is to create a product_color lookup table containing productID and colorID.. This way unlimited numbers of colors could be stored per productID.   Alternately, I could add two fields to the product_list table (color_id_2, color_id_3) but I'd really rather  not go there. 

    In either case, I have a dilemma.   As soon as multiple colorIDs are assigned to a product my simple report is broken.  Instead of listing each product separately (along with it's corresponding colorID), identical productIDs are listed for each associated colorID.
        LEFT JOIN product_color ON product_color.productID = product_list.productID
        product_color.colorID IN (1,2)

    productID      colorID
    1                     1
    2                     2
    3                     2
    4                     1
    4                     2
    Is there an efficient way to retain my product_color lookup table and list all products singularly, with multiple colorIDs on each row?  
    productID      colorID
    1                     1
    2                     2
    3                     2
    4                     1, 2

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/120639.html

  13. Importing data

    Date: 09/30/07     Keywords: php, html, database, sql, web


    I have an extremely large SQL dump file (541MB) that I am trying to run and drop the data into a database. I have attempted to use Big Dump which has worked for other databases in the past however I now run into the following error:

    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 41943040 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 16385 bytes) in /home/netyello/public_html/bigdump.php on line 514

    What I'm wanting to do, if possible, is break down the dump file into smaller chunks so that it can handle it. Is anyone aware of a way to do this or a program that will allow me to do this when creating the dump file from the website?


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/120080.html

  14. Open tables question

    Date: 09/24/07     Keywords: mysql, sql

    Following with my previous post (thanks to everyone who answered!) I've been looking around and I've seen there are a lot of unused open tables. mysql_stat says 244 open tables while SHOW OPEN TABLES lists 66. This seems a lot of tables. There is a way to close all these tables? Could it be part of the reason the max_user_connections is reached so quickly?

    Also, my host says they updated my connections from 100 to 200. Is that much?

    Many thanks in advance!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/119588.html

  15. Pattern match problem

    Date: 09/16/07     Keywords: mysql, sql

        Hello. I am trying to learn how to solve a complicated (well, for me, I guess :)) ) problem in MySQL. But to do this I first try to figure out, how to solve a simpler problem. May somebody help me? I'll try to formulate it below
        Let's say I have a table with student_name, quiz_date and grade (Pass/Fail). (Each student can have more than 1 quiz, not necessary the same number of quizes).  I need to create a list of students, whose grades match the following pattern Pass/Fail/Pass in the adjacent(!) dates. 
      There are 2 main problems for me: 1) How to compare dates. 2) What is the right way to match patterns for a single student. 

    I would appreciate somebody giving me the decent way to solve this problem. Thank you a lot.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/119367.html

  16. max_user_connections problem

    Date: 09/15/07     Keywords: php, mysql, database, sql

    I have a recurring problem with my site. It gets to max_user_connections very quickly. In '[info]'php they advised me to make rapid-fire connections, and it works better than before, but it still builds up regularly. My host says that sometimes queries block the server. This is now a really serious problem and I'm in trouble with my host.

    This happens since I tried to normalize the database by splitting information on other tables, instead of having fields with comma-separated lists. Thing is, now some query require several JOIN to get all the necessary information. Example:

    $info_query = "SELECT $stories_table.id, $stories_table.series_id, $stories_table.story_num, $stories_table.story_title, $stories_table.pairing_extra, $stories_table.characters_extra, $stories_table.rating, $stories_table.spoilers, $stories_table.challenge, $stories_table.complete,
    $series_table.user_id, $series_table.series_title,
    $chapters_table.id as chid, CONCAT_WS('$chapter_separator', $chapters_table.chapter_num, $chapters_table.chapter_title) AS chapter_title, $chapters_table.chapter_num, $chapters_table.summary, $chapters_table.notes, DATE_FORMAT($chapters_table.date, '$date_format') AS date_f,
    $ratings_table.name as rating_name
    FROM $stories_table
    LEFT JOIN $series_table ON $series_table.id=$stories_table.series_id
    LEFT JOIN $users_table ON $users_table.id=$series_table.user_id
    LEFT JOIN $chapters_table ON $stories_table.id = $chapters_table.story_id
    LEFT JOIN $ratings_table ON $ratings_table.id = $stories_table.rating
    WHERE $chapters_table.story_id = $story_id AND $chapters_table.chapter_num = $chapter_num";

    Could this be the source of my problems? If so, do you know any alternative that doesn't load the server that much? I'm getting really desperate with this.

    My host uses mysql version 4.0.27.


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/119223.html

  17. phpmyAdmin incosistency with the command line

    Date: 09/10/07     Keywords: php, mysql, sql

         I am puzzled by the following issue. I run MySQL on my personal computer (Windows) and use phpMyAdmin to work with it. However, every attempt to use COUNT - produces the syntax error. phpMyAdmin doesn't recognize COUNT as a command. Moreover, every time I try to use tbl_name.field_name instead of just field.name I get the syntax error as well. However, if I copy exact the same SQL code (Copy/Paste) to DOS command line - everything seems to work great.  How can it be at all? Does anybody have an idea? Thank you.
        Windows XP, PHP 5.2.0, MySQL 5.0.27, PHPMyAdmin Installed EasyPHP 1. 8

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/118843.html

  18. Basic SQL question

    Date: 09/09/07     Keywords: sql

    The question from the beginner. Let's assume I have a table of students and classes they take. I know, how to retrieve number of classes for each student. 
            SELECT student COUNT(class) FROM tbl GROUP BY student;

     I need to select all student who take 3 or more classes. What is the SQL syntaxis to say WHERE COUNT > 3? 

    Thank you.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/118761.html

  19. Identifying duplicate rows across mulitple tables

    Date: 09/07/07     Keywords: no keywords

    Several large tables linked by a common ID contain duplicate rows (across all tables).

    Is there a way to identify these rows with a SELECT query?

    id val
    1 3.4
    2 4.4
    3 4.4

    id val
    1 1.1
    2 10.3
    3 10.3

    SELECT t1.id FROM t1 LEFT JOIN t2 ON t1.id=t2.id WHERE (???)

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/118315.html

  20. Dynamic Tables

    Date: 09/05/07     Keywords: software, database, shopping

    A friend of mine uses an interesting technique that I'm curious about. In addition to the initial database tables, his software (scripts, program, whatever) adds and deletes additional tables as needed to store other mostly temporary information. For example, with a shopping cart, he adds a temporary table for each user to have their own table with the items they've added.

    I'm really not too keen on doing things this way. Is anything even remotely like this common and/or good practice?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/118152.html

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