9.01 Help

    Date: 08/19/06 (Opera Browser)    Keywords: browser

    I get a lot of emails with links to sites that I am always logged in for (LJ and various forums). When I click on these links, I am not logged in on the new tab that opens the page (meaning I can't read protected pages that I am linked to, without first logging in). I want to be able to click on the links and be automatically logged in, as if I'd typed the address into the addy bar.

    For the first week I had 9.01, it functioned as I want it to. Today, it stopped leaving me logged in. I can get around it by copying the link address and opening a new tab manually, but that isn't ideal.

    I'm not willing to switch permanently to v9 unless I can resolve this, because it works in my old version of Opera from early 2004. And that's a long time to go without upgrading browsers.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/opera_browser/58993.html

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