Being notified a page is fully downloaded

    Date: 08/19/06 (Opera Browser)    Keywords: web

    Normally, if a page starts loading and you switch to another tab, and the first page is fully downloaded, that tab's letters will turn blue.

    However, since upgrading to Opera 9, I've been encountering an issue where the tab will turn blue, but the page isn't fully downloaded yet. I switch back to another window, then it'll turn blue once more, and it's still not downloaded.

    When I look at such a page without switching over, I'll initially get the small bar at the bottom that describes the transfer (KB/s, etc...) but then that will go away, and I'll see the pics slowly show up.

    It happens when I bring up my LJ Friends page, for instance. It's also very frequent on gallery web sites with lots of thumbnails. There are even occasions where it will fully download such a page, but it'll never notify me.


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