UserJS fix for that annoying LJ comments bug.

    Date: 08/21/05 (Opera Browser)    Keywords: browser, html

    You know how quick reply all of a suddenly stopped working? I stumbled across this fix in the Opera forums... It was originally written by one of the Russian users (username unknown), but I've tweaked it a bit for efficiency.

    Save as a plain text file with a .js extension and use as you would any UserJS file. (some instructions here.)

    // ==UserScript==
    // @name Fix the LJ comments form.
    // @author Michael Xeningem
    // @description Fix problem with comments in LiveJournal
    // @ujs:category browser: enhancements
    // @ujs:published 2005-07-20 22:00
    // @ujs:modified 2005-08-21 09:25
    // ==/UserScript==
     * public domain
    if('livejournal\.com') != -1){ 
      window.addEventListener('load',function(e) {
        if (!document.getElementById("qrform")&&document.getElementById("qrformdiv")) {
          var qe = document.getElementById("qrformdiv");
          var fe = document.createElement("form");      
          if (fe) {
   = "qrform";
            fe.innerHTML =qe.innerHTML;
            qe.innerHTML = "";

    Only works in Opera 8, of course.


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