Trouble with favicon

    Date: 08/27/05 (Opera Browser)    Keywords: rss

    Sorry for my english, but i think, it's interesting :-)

    I've more than 300 rss-feeds. I really like read these feeds :-) But when i've clicked Feeds menu, i've got black screen(troubles with window/images drawing?) and then Opera fell.
    I think for 1 week and i found solution!

    I've disabled favicons(Ctrl+F12, Page Icons: Show no icons) and delete all files from folder "profile/images". In this foled were more than 2000 images... and when i click Feed menu, i think, opera tried to draw all these 300 favicons and fell.

    Good Luck :-)

    PS. This bug was in 8.0 beta, and this bug still in last 8.10 beta :-(


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