You can string functions together in PHP!

    Date: 11/11/10 (PHP Community)    Keywords: no keywords

    Does anybody know when that happened?

    I just stumbled across it out of sheer desperation when I was using DOMXPath to access the text value of several single nodes:

    $title = $xpath->query ('title', $ent)->item (0)->textContent;

    I'm absolutely certain that when I first started (4.0? 3.x?) this was illegal since you could not follow a function call with any operator on the return value. The parser simply did not allow it and so the above code could only be written:

    $nodelist = $xpath->query ('title', $ent);
    $node = $nodelist->item (0);
    $title = $node->textContent;

    Of course, they didn't have objects then but the same was true of arrays:
    $myFunction ()[0] was illegal, now it's not.


« Hmm... || Do x to items 1-7, then y... »

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