password/sequential pattern checking

    Date: 04/14/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php

    The Boss has noticed that a number of users have single-character or sequential passwords, and is unhappy about it. so i need to do something to force these users to change their passwords, and ensure their new password isn't 'z' or '1234' or whatever. anyone have any ideas on how to check this? enforcing password length is easy enough, but how can i check for sequential patterns? this has to apply to both '12345', 'abcde', etc., and preferably apply to sequences that don't necessarily start at the beginning ('efghi', '56789').

    php wasn't compiled with cracklib and i'm not sure that accomplishes what i'm going for anyway. i guess what i'm looking at is breaking the password down into characters and then looping through, comparing each character to the previous one, or something like that.


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