Looking For A Mid-Level Introduction To Object-Oriented Programming In PHP

    Date: 04/17/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, programming, java, shopping

    I'm a reasonably-experienced PHP programmer, but aside from minor tweakings in JavaScript and PERL, PHP's the only language I know. I'm redesigning my core shopping cart, and as such I'd really like to learn how Object-Oriented programming works, since I think that refactoring the back end to create, say, user objects and cart objects and inventory objects so forth would be much easier to maintain.

    Unfortunately, the OO books and pages I've found tend to break down into two rough categories:

    • "Hi, you know the fine details of object-oriented programming, so here's a bunch of complex PHP syntax that you will barely understand!"
    • "These are the basic ideas behind PHP Object-Oriented programming, but I will give you no code aside from a single class, when in practice you apparently never use isolated classes."
    I've read up on the basics and even a lot of design patterns... But can anyone recommend a book/site that explains how you'd put together several classes to create a functioning object-oriented program with classes that interact, explaining in practical terms (and plain English) the difference between, say, this->function() and this::function()?

    I need the power. And the help.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/439756.html

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