something wrong w/ this code?

    Date: 04/25/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: database, sql

    I have a function/wrapper for basic SQL functionality, that looks like so:

    function NRE_Insert( $strSQL )
    $db = mssql_connect( $db_host, $db_user, $db_pass ) or die ( "couldnt connect to server" );
    mssql_select_db( $db_name, $db ) or die ("couldnt connect to database." );

    $sql_result = mssql_query( $strSQL ) or die ("couldnt execute query" );

    I'm calling it like so:

    $strSQL = "Insert Into AMGvenues(venueName, venueLink) Values('$venueName', '$venueLink')";

    NRE_Insert( $strSQL );

    Everything looks fine to me, but I'm constantly getting the "couldn't execute query" message. As far as I can tell, I do have the correct DB permissions (this is MS SQL Server, btw).

    does anything look blatantly wrong to you guys? It's 1am, and I'm just not seeing the problem clearly anymore.



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