Image upload with resizing and additional thumbnail creation

    Date: 05/02/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php

    Hi guys, since I'm a PHP novice I need some help with this script. I have a perfectly working script for uploading an image with resizing, *BUT* I need a script that takes the same image from the form a second time and creates a thumbnail from that. So the image would be uploaded twice - once as thumbnail and once as the original (resized). How exactly can that be done?

    Thank you so much in advance :=)

    This is the current script;

    if ($uploadfile != "") {

    $uploadedfile = $_FILES['uploadfile']['tmp_name'];

    $src = imagecreatefromjpeg($uploadedfile);


    $newwidth = 500;

    $newheight = ($height/$width)*500;
    $tmp = imagecreatetruecolor($newwidth,$newheight);


    $filename = "/www/dir/". $_FILES['uploadfile']['name'];


    // for the db
    $foto = "dir/". $_FILES['uploadfile']['name'];


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