applying child array to parents

    Date: 05/16/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: no keywords

    basically i've written some code that will apply a child array to a parent array so it looks like this

        [1] => Array
                [commentid] => 1
                [entryid] => 10
                [parentid] => 0
                [userid] => 10
                [child] => 
        [2] => Array
                [commentid] => 2
                [entryid] => 10
                [parentid] => 0
                [userid] => 10
                [child] => Array
                        [4] => Array
                                [commentid] => 4
                                [entryid] => 10
                                [parentid] => 2
                                [userid] => 10
                                [child] => 
        [3] => Array
                [commentid] => 3
                [entryid] => 10
                [parentid] => 0
                [userid] => 10
                [child] => 
        [5] => Array
                [commentid] => 5
                [entryid] => 10
                [parentid] => 0
                [userid] => 10
                [child] => 

    however the problem i have is that i can't get it to go any deeper than a second array in. i've been racking my head to think of a way to get the code to recur upon itself, however i can't think of a methodology for that (this is inside a while).
    				if (!empty($comment['parentid']))
    					if (array_key_exists($comment['parentid'], $this->temp->comment))
    						$this->temp->comment[$comment['parentid']]['child'][$comment['commentid']] = create_comment($comment);
    					$this->temp->comment[$comment['commentid']] = create_comment($comment);

    can anyone help me out as i'm totally lost now.

    oh the create_comment() function is one of sheer simplicity
    function create_comment($comment)
    	return array(
    		'commentid' => $comment['commentid'],
    		'journalid' => $comment['journalid'],
    		'entryid' => $comment['entryid'],
    		'parentid' => $comment['parentid'],
    		'userid' => $comment['userid'],
    		'username' => $comment['username'],
    		'title' => $comment['title'],
    		'pagetext' => $comment['pagetext'],
    		'dateline' => $comment['dateline'],
    		'usericon' => ($comment['usericon']) ? $comment['usericon'] : $comment['defaultusericon'],
    		'screened' => $comment['screened'],
    		'child' => ''

    anyhelp would be very much appreciated.


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