Strange Problem.

    Date: 05/24/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, browser, web

    Ok I just upgraded to PHP5 and started using GD. I have a function that takes an image name, a name for a thumbnail, a width and a height it then creates a thumbnail.

    I got the function from here.

    I only use the createthumb function and its in a file all by itself. I plug in the variables at the start and then run it from the command line. It works like a champ.

    However when I put the function into my functions file and try to run it from the web application it fails. Even if I plug in the vars at the start of the function it fails with this error:

    [client] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function imagecreatefromjpeg()

    How is it that the function is undefined? Same server, same directory, same variables. Could it be the user? When I run from the command line I am myself but from the web browser I have different permissions. I am very confused.

    Any light you all can shed on this would be great.



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