someone help me please??

    Date: 06/19/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: no keywords

    OK I wasn't sure about asking here as the script isn't mine but I really need someone's brain to help me! (and no I don't know the original script writer)

    Anyway I have a xmb forum and I have this scrip that can show a feed of like the top ten newly posted threads and all that! The thing is it shows my passworded sub forum which is for over 18 year olds only and I don't want the threads in it to be shown!

    If anyone can help I'll be very greatfull since the people i've asked for help haven't

    This is the script (I put it in a text file I hope that is ok as it's pretty big)

    Anyway if you need anymore info or anything then just say so I'll be happy to help



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