jpeg / pjpeg

    Date: 03/09/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: browser

    So I have this program that uploads 4 pictures and some text. I have an array of the image types I support, image/jpg, image/jpeg. I test each images type from $_FILES against my array if its good I let it through if not, I print an error to the screen. Pretty simple.
    So along comes my client, she tries to add her pictures and my program throws up the error saying that, pjpeg is not a supported file type. Which is exactly what it is supposed to do. So she sends me the images and I upload them without a problem. So I send the images back to her and tell her to upload them again. She again gets the pjpeg error.
    So I do some searching and figure out that pjpeg is a progressive jpeg, yeah I know a little slow on the uptake. So I add the file type to my array and we try again.

    So my question is, how are the files being converted, AOL? I send them by email to her, she saves them to her my_documents folder and then uploads from there, with out going through an image editor. She uses AOL for her email and a few people have told me that AOL screws around with your images in email and the browser.

    Anyone else had to deal with this?


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