Dreamhost and include()

    Date: 07/12/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: security, apache

    I just switched over to Dreamhost, only to discover that they've disabled allow_url_fopen in the name of security. While I appreciate the effort, my last host apparently didn't care, and I rampantly abused includes. I still do it with my various Apache installs. Anyway, I've spent the last four hours de-including my site using the curl workaround available through the Wiki. I happened to enjoy my includes for debugging purposes, and adding four lines for each one was a bit burdensome (I enjoyed them that much).

    My question for you all is, why bother disabling allow_url_fopen? I just don't understand what all the worry is about. Thanks!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/469239.html

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