Tutorial Sites

    Date: 07/15/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php

    I've been putting off learning PHP for quite some time now.  Occasionally, I'll get a random hair in my ass and decide to start learning, searching places like Digg and PHP.net for tutorials and such, but I've never found a site that explains simple code line by line, explaining each command and why certain things are in the order they're in.  I know it's a specific want, but for whatever reason I feel I simply can't learn well without that kind of site.  I bought the O'Reilly book on PHP, and that didn't help much because they'd give you the code but they wouldn't entirely explain it.  And if they did, it would always be in a very large, very intimidating block of text (not to say I'm not a good reader, it's just that things like that tend to turn me off of learning.)

    So I was wondering:

    What are some places that explain code line-by-line or at least do a better job of teaching PHP?

    Thanks in advance,

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/470776.html

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