Just saying thanks.

    Date: 07/18/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php

    I just want to thank you guys for those tips.

    What I did instead of search for sites that gave me line-by-line explanations, I figured out what I wanted to do and found the appropriate commands and related tutorials and did them.

    So, I owe the creation of this homemade guestbook made from scratch to you guys.

    I am now much more interested in PHP now that I have an alternate learning method!

    I'll probably post here if I have any major problems.

    Actually, I DO have a problem now!

    Files are Pastebin'd here:

    I'm trying to make Sex work, here.  Everything else works flawless.

    Here's what I have set up:

    Two radio buttons, both with the name 'sex.'

    The Male button has the value 'Male' and the Female, 'Female.'

    On the register.php you'll see the following:

    $sex = $_GET["sex"];

    if ($sex = 'Male') {
        $s = 1;
    if ($sex = 'Female') {
        $s = 2;

    Which should, logically, work.

    So what's the problem?

    Oh, in index.php I have this:

    if ($row['sex'] = 1) {
        $sex = 'Male';

    if ($row['sex'] = 2) {
        $sex = 'Female';

    What the hell was I doing?  Nevermind, haha.  Wow, I'm stupid.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/471617.html

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