Script/syntax highlighting

    Date: 07/31/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, java

    Is anyone aware of a PHP plugin/library function that can perform script highlighting for an arbitrary language using some standard configuration files (eg emacs/vi syntax highlighting config)? I've found a couple (GeSHi and the 404-ing Enscript), but they seem to use their own configuration format, rather than allowing me to drop in an existing one - basically I'd just like to be able to call formatSomeScript($language_A_source, $path_to_language_A_emacs_config) or something along those lines.

    I'm having trouble googling this, because most queries tend to bring up something for highlighting PHP source, rather than highlighting other source using PHP :)

    (I'm trying to get something I can use generically to highlight PHP, Java, JavaScript and the scripting language from Second Life, the latter of which has a number of config files for various editors available).


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