Secure file failsafe header

    Date: 08/05/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: html

    Below is a rough draft failsafe code I wrote to prevent me or one of the other programmers from putting critical files into
    the doc_root of the HTML server.   After this is where all the DB wrapper functions and the embedded username's and passwords to them.

    //Are we on the local test server?
    if($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] != "localhost" && $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] != "")
                 //not local, then are we on the remote?
                 if($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] == '' || 
                    $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] == '' ||
                    $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] == '')
                             //Were on the remote, are we where were supposed to be?
                            if(dirname(__FILE__) != "/home/digita23/secureScripts/")
                                     //NO, kill the script
                                     //TODO insert mail alarm code
                                     //TODO make a proper error msg
                                     die("UNSECURE SCRIPT - please move this file to the secureScript directory"); 
                            //WTF mate?
                            //TODO insert mail alarm code
                            //TODO make a proper error msg
                           die("UNSECURE SCRIPT - Unable to identify server");


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