php4 class extending and shared variables

    Date: 03/11/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, mysql, database, sql

    I have a base class in which I'd like to extend. The thing is, the base class connects to a database. How can I make it so any classes I extend from base class will share the one connection to the database and not make a duplicate connection for each object i make?


    class base {
     var $connection;
     function base(){
      $this->connection = mysql_connection("server","user","password");
     function exec($query){
      return mysql_query($query,$this->connection);
    class child extends base {
     var $foo;
     var $bar;
     function child(){
      $this->foo = mysql_result($this->exec("select foo from foobar"),0);

    I'd like it so no matter how many objects i make of the child class, they all share the same database connection. I think in PHP5 you can do something like "shared $connection" but i'm using php4.




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