I'm Back!

    Date: 08/11/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php

    Once again, it's time for "Why the heck can't she figure this out herself?!" with '[info]'julisana!

    In today's letter, she writes:

    "PHP Guru's, why is it that the isset() function doesn't seem to work in my if statements when the element i'm trying to verify is set is a submit button for the form?"

    Stay tuned for the amazing answers the '[info]'php community users come up with this time!

    /cut to commercial/

    So apparently, after many attempts over many different days to get this to work, all I had to do was post in here, and BAMF. It does what I want.

    What the heck?!

    Before, what would happen is I'd have a form up, you'd fill it out and hit the submit button, and other stuff would come up (I didn't bother having the data sent to a new page. The form just pointed at the original.). I did this by way of the isset function on one of the required fields, but if I did it on the submit button, it'd just be a blank screen.

    Now, workage. I just don't get it.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/481292.html

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