I'm missing something

    Date: 08/14/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, browser, css

    This, currently, is the complete text of bodyMain.php at a demo site I'm trying to build for a customer.

    When I delete the second line, the logo that's set up in the CSS shows up properly. As soon as the second line gets put in, I get a blank and the contents of the bodyMain.php file are not listed in the browser when I 'view source'. I tested the urlparser.php segment repeatedly as I was building it and the only thing I changed about it after getting it to work on its own was to remove the 'echo' statements so it wouldn't print stuff to the screen. I'm mystified as to why referencing it is causing the page to break.

    Just in case it is what's causing the problem, here's the source of that file, too:

    echo "I'm here!";
    $current_url = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 'https' : 'http') . '://'
    $parsedUrl = parse_url($current_url);
    if ( $parsedUrl[query] ) {
    $columnname = $parsedUrl[query];
    $columntitle = $parsedUrl[query];
    $columntitle = str_replace('%20',' ',$columntitle);
    $columntitle = str_replace('.txt','',$columntitle)
    } else {
    $columnname = 'Introduction.txt';
    $columntitle = 'Introduction';

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/483014.html

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