& operator

    Date: 08/30/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: no keywords

    Hey everybody -

    I know what the & operator does - it makes a variable passed by reference. So when you do

    function (&$arg) {
        $arg = !$arg;
    I think that's the worst function I've ever written. Try running it. Everything is null.

    pretend I did this instead:
    function foo(&$arg) {


    $arg is changed to logical false incremented in the scope that you called the function from. I've seen this syntax a lot lately - and I'm trying to figure out what the meaning is:
    function & ($arg) {
    What does this to to the function? what does it do the the value of $arg?



    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/490217.html

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