A fluffy little question

    Date: 09/07/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, google

    Unlike many of my past posts, this post is purely about how I want something to look without trying to implement it in a clunky, conditional manner.

    Plus, I'm sure I've seen this before (though it's possible it wasn't in PHP).

    What function, if any, will put the appropriate...suffix, I guess...on a numeric input?

    For Example: Putting the st on 1st or the nd on 2nd.

    Small Disclaimer: I know I could look this up myself. I'm perfectly capable of searching php.net or google.com, but the fact is...I'm not entirely sure what this is called. "Suffix" was the closest I could even remotely come. So along with possibly giving me the answer to my question...letting me know the name of what I'm asking about would be helpful as well. :D

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/492964.html

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