Open for debate

    Date: 09/13/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, browser

    I've gotten into a syntax argument with a friend/coworker of mind over the code style I use.  To be exact, how I format strings to be printed to the browser.

    In my defense, I argue that the below is better for the longer term because it's easier to change/add to the formated string this way.

    And he argues that it will slow PHP down having to

    function inputString($myID, $myValue)
                $output = '<'
                        . 'input type="text"'
                        . 'size="120"'
                        . 'maxlength="254"'
                        . "id=\"$\"$myID"
                        . "value=\"$myValue\""
                        . '>';
                return $output;           

    Yes this is pretty petty but we got nothing else to do but bitch at each other right now.

    His version is to have it all on one line.


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