i have some questions

    Date: 03/12/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, blogging, html, java, security, web

    i'm building my own blogging system for my website, and i was interested in having a bit of security when it comes to code in the comments.

    • disallow html code

    • disallow javascript

    • special tags (standard BBcode - [quote][url][img])

    • keep it xhtml1.1 compliant

    so, i have achieved the first 3 points, but i was wondering which php functions would you recommend for filtering the comments text?

    plus, is there any way to garantee that the document keeps xhtml compliant?

    (cross-posted to '[info]'webdev and '[info]'php)

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/272239.html

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