
    Date: 09/29/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, security, web, apache

    I'm running a Shoutcast server and attempting to enqueue MP3's to Winamp through a web interface. Is there any reason I can't do this command in PHP?

    	exec('winamp /ADD "'.$row[0].'"'));

    It's a Windows XP Pro box running Apache and PHP5. Winamp is in the system path, and $row[0] equals something like
    D:\Music\Music\Ace of Base\Ace of Base - Beautiful Life.mp3.
    I'm hesistant to use exec or system commands at all because of obvious security flaws, which leads me to wonder if PHP disables functionality through exec by default? I can't think of any other feasible ways to do this without slamming the CPU on my crappy little dev server. Any suggestions?


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