help with function

    Date: 10/20/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: no keywords

    this functions supposed to take an array (similar users) which tends to look like

        [3] => Array
                [64] => Jetzxia
                [959] => Yanami Prower
                [1206] => tell me im hot

    and update it, now it does all of that, is able to add new users etc, however the problem i have it that i can't get it update anything below the top below. so once in the above array
        [4] => Array
                [64] => Jetzxia
                [959] => Yanami Prower
        [3] => Array
                [1206] => tell me im hot
    once it gets there, i seem unable to update "tell me im hot" and move the user up an array. can someone tell me where i'm going wrong please?


    just to reconfirm: $similarusers = array. $users = string (12,15,7495,7435,374,374,23,79,9,19).

    any help would be greatly appreciated.


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