CakePHP: Implementing bar gadget on every page

    Date: 11/02/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php

    This is a CakePHP question. Since CakePHP community is yet too small, I figured I'll cross-post it here, where it's much more likely to get help.

    I'm trying to create a bar, which would be hanging on every page on my site. That bar should have username/password textboxes (if you're logged out), and some little useful info if you're logged in. I'm trying to implement it as a component+element, but I can't figure out how to wire things up, and how this bar will work together with other views and controllers, especially when it comes to logging in a user. I drew a quick diagram in OpenOffice Draw, to illustrate how I understand it, but even with that diagram, I'm not sure how to make it work.

    The tricky part 1:
    When logging in through that bar there should not be any extra intermediate page. When you click "login", the bar should just switch to "welcome, user; etc". Only one page refresh should occur.

    The tricky part 2:
    No ajax. I will implement ajax later, when I'm sure it works without it.

    Any help would be appreciated.


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