know a good online voting poll script?

    Date: 11/03/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, google

    I'm not sure if my question is valid here, but I need help. I run a seasonal pumpkin carving competition on my site, and last year for the voting I used a simple php form-mail script. I had to manually tally up all of the votes, but I chose it because the form-mail recorded the voter's computer IP address so I could weed out multiple voters who were trying to cheat.

    There were over 460 votes last year, and with my site's rising popularity, the voting should be much much higher this year. I really don't think I can handle two weeks worth of counting votes again. @__@ I've looked on Google for cgi poll scripts, but none of them had what I was looking for, the sites shut down, or the scripts were way too complicated for me.

    What I would like from the voting poll is unlimited choices, to block multiple votes from the same IP address (not just for 24 hours, but for as long as the poll remains open), and the ability to send in/vote up to 5 choices. Being able to put an image next to each voting choice would be great, too.

    Is this even possible? I don't know much about cgi, but I've heard rumors that people can hack into sites through it. Maybe I'm better off just using the form-mail script again. -_-


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