Undefined Offsets and index problem

    Date: 11/16/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, html

    I keep getting undefined notices. I was going to see if you guys could show me the pro way of writing this code so it won't give me all those notices. I can get the undefined index thing to go away by doing this:

    if (!isset($_REQUEST['DateOfBirth']) or $_REQUEST['DateOfBirth'])
       $_REQUEST['DateOfBirth'] = null;
    I want to know how this should be handled. thanks.

    Notice: Undefined index: DateOfBirth in /var/www/budget.fidelityreserves.com/html/clientbudget.php on line 156

    Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in /var/www/budget.fidelityreserves.com/html/clientbudget.php on line 158

    Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /var/www/budget.fidelityreserves.com/html/clientbudget.php on line 165

    Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in /var/www/budget.fidelityreserves.com/html/clientbudget.php on line 165

    //Remove characters from DateOfBirth and split into array of three numbers
    $date_arr = preg_split('/[\-\/ ]/', $_REQUEST['DateOfBirth']);
    //If last number in array is a date field
    if ( $date_arr[2] > 1900 ) {
            //reorder array with last number first
            $date = $date_arr[0].$date_arr[1].$date_arr[2];
            $_REQUEST['DateOfBirth'] = $date;
    else {
            //else order array with first number first
            $date = $date_arr[1].$date_arr[2].$date_arr[0];
            $_REQUEST['DateOfBirth'] = $date;
    Thanks again ^_^

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/511077.html

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