Help with for / for each stuff...

    Date: 11/18/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: no keywords

    Hi guys,

    I'm trying to write a small gallery script which gives the possibility to upload a number of 1-10 files at once - first thing the user does is pick the number of files to upload, then he is directed to the upload form(s).

    Now my problem is that I don't know how to process the multiple files at once - there are 4 fields for each photo, the file itself, a title, a description and the gallery id. All of that is inserted into a DB after the images have been resized and uploaded - how do I do both of those things for multiple files at once? It must be something with for or foreach, but I have no idea how to use it with multiple files AND multiple fields to be posted at once. The affected part is the add action. Any help would be very appreciated - I'm pretty much a noob (still). :)

    ( The Code.... )


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