Suite of PHP apps?

    Date: 12/07/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: no keywords

    Hey everyone,
    Starting on a new project that is going to involve profile pages, forums, etc. I considered Drupal, downloaded it, installed it. Really neat. But unfortunately, it appears to be a control freak of your site in order to work the way it demands. You can't customize anything without whatever code you create to be assimilated with it. So am very hesitant to go with Drupal because of future customizations that could have me re-inventing the wheel for nothing.

    Does anyone know of someone who has come up with a "suite of modules"? Or even a suite of classes would be fine. Meaning, I can have a module for authentication, a forum, a blog, profile pages, but not subject my entire site to any particular one of them?

    I know what is ideal and perfect. And I'll usually start creating it just to find out later that it existed elsewhere. Thought I might ask this time.


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