PHP quiz scripts

    Date: 12/14/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, mysql, sql

    I used a quiz script from Dodo in the past, but in september I switched hosts for my domain, and after I had uploaded all the files I discovered that the script just wouldn't work. The script is just a bunch of php files and my new host supports PHP just like my old host.

    Anyone used this script before?

    Where would I start troubleshooting? What things are significant in this host-switching case?

    I also tried to upload the uncustomized default files that came with the script, and still nothing. If the case is that it won't work whatever I do...

    Do any of you have a link to another linkware PHP non-MySQL quiz script? I need this: 10 questions w/ radiobuttons. If you have 7 or more correct you get sent to pageA.php, if you have 6 or less you go to pageB.php


    Edit: I got help and it works now:)


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