Apache questions

    Date: 12/17/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, hosting, apache

    I have just changed hosting providers and am having a minor problem with files matching before my mod_rewrite rules get to rewrite.


    is matching and executing foobar.php and I don't want it to.

    I've tried changing DefaultType to text/plain so it wouldn't execute as php.
    I've tried turning off ModSpeling in case that had an effect.

    Other info: I'm using apache 2.x and php 5.2 as a fast cgi

    * * * *

    Another question I have is what type of encoding do I need to set to get degree (°) symbols and copyright (©) to display properly. At this new host they display as '?'.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/522671.html

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