php help

    Date: 12/20/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: no keywords

    i have a problem and i hope you guys can help me out. why does when the hintchar is actually equal to wordinput, it appears as "you have entered the wrong hint". ?

    function generate_hint($wordinput, $hintchar)
    $progress = mask_string($wordinput);
    for ($i=0; $i<=strlen($wordinput)-1; $i++)

    if ($hintchar == $wordinput{$i})
    $progress{$i} = $hintchar;

    return $progress;


    generate_hint($_GET["wordinput"], $_GET["hintchar"]);

    if (isset($_GET['hintchar']))
    $solveword = $_GET['hintchar'];

    if ($wordinput == $hintchar)
    echo "

    You entered the correct hint!

    else {
    echo "

    Your entered the wrong hint!

    else echo "";


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