Writing a SOAP server

    Date: 12/21/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, xml, web

    Hello everyone. I have a web service sort of like a gallery written in PHP, and I'd like to make it externally accessible to use in other remote applications. I was thinking of using the SOAP protocol, but it's hard to find how to write a SOAP server in PHP (everything I can find is making a SOAP client.)

    Anyone that could point me to a tutorial, give me a simple example, or point me to another protocol that's easier to write for (XML-RPC) would be great help. Thanks!

    P.S. This will all be for internal use, so functions don't need to be exposed, and such.

    X-Posted to '[info]'php_dev.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/524553.html

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