echo "";

*this is kind of a followup from my previous question

Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/527528.html

    Checkbox to "select" content in textarea and insert into database

    Date: 12/31/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, database, java

    I don't know whether if this is a PHP or Javascript question, or both?

    I'm working with many checkboxes and textareas and they are both side to side.

    By ticking many/one checkbox(es), content in "selected" textareas will be saved into the database when i click the submit button.
    But how? Has it got something to do with the values of the checkbox?

    Is this done just by PHP or do i need to use Javascript?
    I need some hints, thanks! (:

    //below is a while loop to generate table rows and increment in values (of the name [textarea1,2,3 and so on])
    // Get each row of data on each iteration until there are no more rows
    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
    echo "
echo $row['ph_name'];
echo "
echo $row['text'];
echo "
echo ""; //this part is for a Javascript function that checks the checkbox when textarea is filled in
echo "
echo "echo "name='cbox";
echo $number_c;
echo "' value='";
echo $value_c;
echo "' '>";
echo "
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