Help with creating an Administrator page.

    Date: 01/12/07 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, mysql, database, sql, web

    Hello! This is my first post on LiveJournal.
    I'm making a website for the group that I'm in, and I have a little bit of self-taught PHP & MySQL experience, but I'm up to the point of making the administration section so we can update the site without any hassle.

    All I need is a little bit of a push to start me rolling (so to speak)
    Any help is appreciated and will get a spot in the credits for the site.

    What I need is:
    *Admin Login.
    *Posting Support.
    *Managing of posts.
    *Page authoring (eg... projects.php?id=XX (where 'XX' is projects name)).
    *News authoring.


    Any little bit of code would be great, just as long as it gets me started!
    Thank you!


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